Ronan O’Brien

I have always had physical health & nutrition at the forefront of my living and focus. In 2014, I encountered a practicing Shaman, Adrian Rivas, who was holding a retreat in West Cork. Drawn to this from my curious nature for practices that are somewhat ‘outside the box’, I experienced a very unique and profound sense of self-discovery where more questions than answers were discovered. This quest led me to many places and teachers with the focus of immersing more into the possibilities of breath practice. In 2015, I went on to Canada to study under Robin Clements ( Robin shared his principles and knowledge while still encouraging his students to deepen and trust their own practice in connecting and living from the heart, while still allowing growth into their own expression of the Breathwave teaching.

To further deepen my practice, I attended under the instruction of Patrick McKeown with Buteyko and Oxygen Advantage.

Through these studies and the ongoing study of breathing modalities, I find myself today teaching, supporting, and guiding people who are interested in their own self-practice of a deeper awareness of the mind-body and more.

If this resonates with you, or if there are any further questions I can help with, then please do send a message.

Deep Gratitude,
Ronan O’Brien


  • Certified Breathwave Practitioner (Form Breathwave International Robin Clements)
  • Diploma in Butyenko Clinical Method (Under Supervision of Patrick McKeown)
  • Oxygen Advantage coach
  • Certificate in Counselling & Psychotherapeutic Skills and Practices (ICHAS)
  • Strength & Conditioning Coach
  • Sports Injury and Massage Therapist