Body of Breath Festival

Date: August 17, 2024
Venue: Nenagh Co Tipperary at the Tipi’s – Abbey Court Hotel E45 KA99
Ticket Price: €125
Featured guests and facilitators: Savanna, Ronan, Eileen Bray, Siobhan O’Brien, Didgeridoo Jedi
What’s included: Dance, Voice Opening, Devotional Song, Breathwork, Live Concerts, Connection with Community, and Fun 😊


10am: Opening Circle

10:30am: Fluid movement session // laughing yoga // gentle ecstatic dance

11:30am: Resonant Chamber Voice workshop with Savanna + Breath Awareness with Ronan

1:30pm: Lunch (vegetarian lunch is included in the ticket price)

2:30pm: Kirtan with Celtic Kirtan Eileen Bray – Brings you on an immersive fusion of Celtic/Aramaic and traditional Bhakti soul chants

4pm: Breathwave – A conscious connected breath experience with full facilitation. Live sound therapeutics with the Didgeridoo Jedi

5:30pm: Integrate, restore, hydrate, journal, nature walk etc (food available at hotel)

6:30pm: Candle lit evening performances begin. This will be a ceremony setting experience. Supporting artist Siobhan O Brien and guests, special guest Canadian artist Savanna begins her European tour with us.

Chairs will be available, people are invited to bring a cushion/blanket/yoga bolster etc

10pm: Goodbyes // Closing Circle

Rooms for overnight stay are available for booking from the Hotel – phone to book and quote Breathwave
Single rooms are €179 B&B – Double rooms €199 B&B

What to bring: snacks, yoga mat, blanket, dress for the weather.